Tuesday, June 23, 2009

half marathon....

So I have been challenged to run a half marathon in September with Allen and my friend Brittany. I thought we were just talking about it and we would maybe do it or maybe not but then Brittany talked to her husband and he told her she wouldn't do it so now we HAVE to. lol! It is a scary thought since I am so out of shape now and still have to pop out a baby in the next few weeks. I keep telling myself that I don't have to do great on the run and it will be a lot of fun. (hopefully, lol!)  It will be great to get out and exercise and lose some of this crazy baby weight so it seems like a great plan except the getting in shape part that is always so so hard. Anyway. I need to get the girls ready for Isabel's speech therapy but I will have to keep everyone updated on the half marathon progress. Wish us luck!!

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