Thursday, April 02, 2009


I have finally made it to 98 days till my due date. I was going to post on 99 days but my internet was down yesterday. lol! I seriously never thought the day would come that I finally made it to double digits with this pregnancy. I know that 98 days is still a long time but it sounds so much better then in the hundreds. Hopefully the rest of the time will fly by.
We are still working away at our to do list and it is going pretty well. I need to be putting the computer desk back together but was feeling a little overwhelmed on where to start so I thought I would of course come and blog first. lol! I don't think it will take to long but getting started is always the hardest thing.
I was also hoping to make the girls easter dresses for next weekend but that is quickly approaching and I have not even started on them and my craft room is not really close to being set up but it still might happen. Maybe this weekend we can get the craft room set up and during the week I can get the dresses done. I have two dresses that I made when I went home this last time that I was going to use for easter but decided I liked this other material more so if all else fails we can use the one's I already have. lol! Well, I should get to it.

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